Dr. Roach Healthy Living program(s) helps participants achieve their health and wellness goals through alignment of the Will and Word of God. With each program focusing on the Spirt, Soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body alignment clients are being revitalized, achieving success and improving their healthy lifestyles and weight loss goals.

We look forward to you joining a program that can help you meet long term and short term health and wellness goals. If you don't know which program is the best fit for you, we suggest you first sign up for our free initial Consultation with one of our professionals.


Hi, I’m Dr. Mary A. Roach , BS, MS, PharmD.

My book, Arise! will be coming out soon!. It will show you how to lose weight and improve your health and wellness. It will also show you how you can loose weight as I did. I lost 89 pounds over 8 years ago. I will show you how to lose the weight without stress by shows how you can also lose the weight Spirit, soul, and body alignment.

This program and book is designed to assist with weight loss. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!